Sep 24 2012

Amazon Route 53 integration

Posted by Vitalie Cherpec

Domain Name System is the Achilles' Heel of the Internet, when it fails everything falls. We know your needs and we know our limits, this is the reason why we have implemented integration with Amazon Route 53 service instead of building our anycast network. Now, you can benefit from Amazon's anycast network to get high availability and improved performance.

To use our service together with Route 53, you need to grant permission to LuaDNS on your Route 53 account and to add your AWS credentials (Access Key and Secret Access Key) to your LuaDNS account.

After account setup, specify which domains should be exported to Route 53, add a file named domains.route53 to root of your git repository with one domain per line or * to export all domains.

To migrate your Bind zone files to Amazon Route 53 platform, add configuration files to your git repository using .bind extension and push modifications with git. LuaDNS will parse your configuration files and emit corresponding API calls to AWS Route 53. We'll automatically maintain SOA record and update domain's NS records with name servers returned by Route 53.

  • Easy to try
  • No API calls
  • No need to convert
  • No lock-in
  • Free magic :)

UPDATE: Due low usage, the integration with Route 53 was removed.
